お知らせ / News




ウガンダ支援の歴史/History of Uganda supporting activity





Last month, Awa-Nishi JRC members held Uganda supporting bazaar.
We want to continue this historical activity with thought of Ugandan children and Japanese high school students.





そして今日は、「創立124周年 館山病院感謝祭」にて、ウガンダ支援バザーを開催。












【Report】Water for people in Kitalya!!
We received email attached photos from Mr.Stuart.

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I started my mission at Kitalya primary school when they were getting a borehole which is going to change their way of life from now. As you can see in the pictures attached everyone was so excited. After Kitalya, I went to Gulu which is in the North to see the children there.




No.1 ブロンズ像を見る先生方

No.1 ブロンズ像を見る先生方

No.2 ブロンズ像を眺める子どもたち

No.2 ブロンズ像を眺める子どもたち

No.3 笑顔を見せる子どもたち

No.3 笑顔を見せる子どもたち

No.4 センパラ氏が説明中

No.4 センパラ氏が説明中

No.5 興味津々な子どもたち

No.5 興味津々な子どもたち

No.6 ブロンズ像と一緒に..記念写真

No.6 ブロンズ像と一緒に..記念写真

No.7 センパラ氏と像を取り囲む子どもたち

No.7 センパラ氏と像を取り囲む子どもたち

No.8 交流20年の記念誌をもつ女の子

No.8 交流20年の記念誌をもつ女の子

No.9 パンフ(英語)で館山について説明

No.9 パンフ(英語)で館山について説明

【Report】“Awa-Minami High School Student Statue” with children in Uganda
We sent “Awa-Minami High School Student Statue” as 20 years anniversary of our interaction. This bronze was announced for students and teachers at Kitalya Primary School which is one of our supporting area.
We received a lots of photos from Mr.Sempala.

~~from Mr.Sempala~~
During my presentation, I was able to tell students and teachers of Kitalya Primary School about the bronze statue, where iticame from, who give it to us and about artist who made it. Everybody was so moved and impressed.
I was also able to tell the Kitalya teachers and students about Tateyama using the materials you sent to me and handed over a few copies of our booklet and the information about Tateyama: Whole Town as a Museum to some of the people who were present The children were so glad to know and seesome of their painting appearing in the booklet. I believe this has opened a door on my end to see more
booklets being made by me in the near future
Thank you so much! And again I say thank you for your true friendship and the love you have showed me, it has helped me so much to keep standing and serve.



No.1 ウガンダに届いたブロンズ像

No.1 ウガンダに届いたブロンズ像

No.2 センパラ氏とともに

No.2 センパラ氏とともに

No.3 センパラ氏のお孫さんとともに

No.3 センパラ氏のお孫さんとともに

English Sumary
【Report】A bronze statue was arrived at Uganda!!
We received news that the bronze statue “Awa-Minami High School Student Statue” which was by Mr. Msahiro Funada was arrived at Uganda safely. It was sent as 20 years anniversary of interaction.
The bronze statue will be a new symbol between Ugandan children and Japanese high school students.


 センパラさんより活動報告が届きました!Part 2!

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No.1 松の木の伐採

No.1 松の木の伐採


No.2 特別室の様子

No.2 特別室の様子

No.3 キノコ事業

No.3 キノコ事業

No.4 収穫されたキノコ

No.4 収穫されたキノコ

We received activity report from Mr.Sempala!! Part 2!!
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On 7 October 2014 at about 9:08 AM, I was able to harvest a pine tree that I planted forty years ago in 1974 when I was still a young boy of 17 years of age while cleaning and working on our family compound. I did not take it very serious as I planted this tree. In face I planted two of them, one is still standing. If I had known the value of such trees, I would have planted many by then. I thank God that I finally managed to plant 1000 at Kawumu farm which are now 10 years old. My wish is for them to be harvested thirty years from now and part of the funds be put in for the continued development of the Kawumu land where the trees grew from.
I am going to use the timber from this pine tree to make the roof of the building that I have been working on as I celebrate my 20 years of being exposed to the Japanese ARI way of looking at things.(Photo No.1)

In the photos below, I am seen in a special room. Here, we store what we call the gardens of mushroom for about three weeks after putting in the spawns in the sterilized cotton husks mixed with a measured amount of lime and rice husks. It is here that we allow them to mature so that we can later plant them in soil and in shelter which has enough light, but not direct Sunshine and having good air circulation. The mushrooms also require a controlled amount of water given to them.(Photo No.2)
This is a project that is easy to teach others and has some good returns and good market. One can also add value to the mushroom that have been produced by making mushroom samosa snacks, drying the mushroom for later use, making mushroom powder for porridge which is very good for the sick people recuperating since this type of mushroom is edible and at the same time it is medicinal. (Photo No.3-4)



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 嬉しいできごとをみなさんにお伝えします。まず、2つの井戸堀りの監督をしたことやその完成に至ったことです。井戸の一つは、Kiryandongo (ウガンダ西部)にあるYelekeni小学校につくりました。近くにきれいな水がなく、多くの児童や教員、コミュニティの周辺に住む人々がその問題を抱えていたためです。もう一つは、そのコミュニティの近隣の村につくりました。

No.1 井戸掘りの作業中

No.1 井戸掘りの作業中

No.2 喜ぶこどもたち

No.2 喜ぶこどもたち

No.3 作業の様子を見守る子どもたち

No.3 作業の様子を見守る子どもたち

No.4 水を飲む学校の牧師

No.4 水を飲む学校の牧師

No.5 きれいな水が地域の生活改善につながることを願って…

No.5 きれいな水が地域の生活改善につながることを願って…

No.6 小学校に完成した井戸

No.6 小学校に完成した井戸

No.7 きれいな水に喜ぶ子どもたち

No.7 きれいな水に喜ぶ子どもたち

No.8 感謝の印として鶏を受け取るセンパラ氏

No.8 井戸掘りの感謝の印として鶏を受け取るセンパラ氏

No.9 小学校のPTA代表と握手を交わすセンパラ氏

No.9 小学校のPTA代表と握手を交わすセンパラ氏

We received activity report (Aug to Oct, 2014) from Mr.Sempala!!

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During the last three Months, we have been able to do a number of things that we are glad to let you know about. Among them was, supervising and finally seeing the accomplishment of digging the two deep wells, one for Yelekeni Primary School in Kiryandongo which had the problem of not having clean water near by, which affected many students, teachers as well as the people with in and around the community and the other one was dag at the next village close by for that community.
These two wells were donated to these two village by an organization called It is well international and they requested me to be there while the work was going on, on their behalf.
Before, the children had to walk a long distance while fetching water and during that time, children especially school girls faced problems that often lead to early pregnancy and school drop out.
(Photo No.1)

In this picture, the students of Yelekeni Primary School are seen having a very big smile on their faces after hearing the news that the problem of water will be there no more and that the water at school will be safe, clear and pure to drink at any time they feel like having a drink and also wash their faces during a hot day.(Photo No.2)

Same of the kids of the school stood there looking at the process of finding water which is under ground and in the next photo, the pastor of the school is seen testing the sweet water which has just been given to them. Big News for them.(Photo No.3 & 4)

The pastor with his family, the technicians and I gives thanks to the Lord for the very good results of the new bore hole in the community. They believe that having enough water in the community will bring about new developments. They can now even think about doing some irrigation on the near by gardens which will allow them having more food for their families. (Photo No.5)

Well number two is being appreciated by the children and it is all smiles and jumping up and down with joy.(Photo No.6)

Water is finally coming out and the children are glad about it.(Photo No.7)