【Diary】 第8回安房・平和のための美術展開催!

8月31日から9月9日に枇杷倶楽部ギャラリー・展示室で「ART FOR THE EARTH
2012 -第8回 安房・平和のための美術展-」が開催されました。今年の美術展の

No. 1 安房・平和のための美術展ポスター
    / The poster of Art Exhibition for Peace in Awa

どの作品にも「 美しい地球と平和をいつまでも」という強い想いが込められています。
No. 2 美術展の様子 / The state of Art Exhibition

No. 3 ウガンダの子どもたちの絵 / Pictures painted by Ugandan children

No. 4 安房南洋裁学校等の写真 / Photos of Awa-Minami Taoloring School etc.


 “ART FOR THE EARTH 2012 – Art Exhibition for Peace in Awa-”
was held from August 31th to September 9th, 2012. Picture painted by
children in Uganda was used for the poster of Art Exhibition for Peace
in Awa in this year.
Please look upward.(Picture No.1)

 This Art Exhibition is held every year since 2005. Artists who attend
this Art Exhibition hope for the world peace and the happiness of people.
About 60 artists attended this Art Exhibition in this year, and various
genres such as oil paintings, watercolor paintings, photographs, ceramic art,
dolls, and sculptures was displayed. All Artists put strong feelings of
“foever beautiful planet and peace” into their works. The proceeds from an
exhibition of works would be made use of children in Uganda and financial
support for the Great East Japan Earthquake Reconstruction.
Pictures painted by Ugandan children and photos of Awa-Minami Tailoring
School etc. were also displayed there.
Please look upward. (picture from No.2 to No. 4)
