Dear NPO Awa Cultural Heritage Forum,
This is to acknowledge receipt of the funds sent to us through WISE. It arrived well on my account, and my bankers immediately informed me about remittance. Domo arigatogozaimasu!
I have been in the village at Kawumu farm working on the Ayako Memorial building since the beginning of this week. I have just returned to Kampala today, and got the good news of the support fund arrival.
Please extend our appreciation and thanks to each and everyone who made contribution towards the support fund getting to us at the time of great need.
It is a great blessing receiving support from Awa Cultural Heritage forum, and every dollar received from you counts, and is valued tremendously. We make it a point that it is put to its rightful use towards our projects.
We are in the period of back to school preparation. It is usually a very busy and stressful time to most of the parents/guardians everywhere.
WISE を通じて送金された資金を受領したことをお知らせします。私の口座に資金が無事に届き、銀行から送金についてすぐに連絡がありました。どうもありがとうございます!
I am glad to inform you that the end of year festivals went on very well. We maintained our tradition of celebrating an early Christmas with our children in Northern part of Uganda, Mede village, Gulu. We see to it that each child in this community realizes that it is Christmas time, and that every child, and elderly people get a big smile on their face.
We were able to pray together, sing and dance, give out Christmas gifts, eat and drink together and distribute food items to needy families that have lots of orphans in this community.
MEDE 2024でのクリスマスの集い。
I am again excited to report the new development done on the AYAKO MEMORIAL BUILDING at Kawumu farm. It has indeed been a long time to get to where we are now, but we thank God, we have been able to complete the building structure, put on the iron sheets on the roof, and now we are being faced by the challenges of acquiring the main door to the entrance of the building, windows, plastering the interior and exterior of the building, working on the ceilings, floor, and other items done on the building during the finishing stage. We are confident that all that will be accomplished step by step by the grace of our God.
Attached please get to see some of the photographs taken showing what we have accomplished during these past months upto now. I will be sending more pictures as time moves on.
Consciousness of Uganda Foundation, INC.
Stuart Sempala.
Dear NPO Awa Cultural Heritage Forum,
Happy 20th Anniversary!
I want to reach out to you and wish you a very happy work anniversary on completing two decades of good service since the NPO Awa Cultural Heritage Forum was started.
It is a great opportunity for us to commemorate its foundation, and give special salute to Mr. And Mrs Nobuo Aizawa, together with Emiko Ikeda san, plus the entire staff members, who have done all they could to keep the NPO Awa Cultural Heritage Forum moving from grace to grace, reaching out to many souls, not only in Japan, but as far as Africa, Uganda in particular.
Along this period of twenty years, there has been good friends/supporters of the NPO who have gone to be with their creator. We remember them and pray for them to rest in eternal peace.
Thank you very much for your contributions and support towards our advancement, and recovery from a war torn situation, with many needy orphan children to where we are now, without whick it would have been very hard for us to achieve and deliver all that we have been able to accomplish. Long live NPO AWA CULTURAL HERITAGE FORUM. Be blessed!
Stuart Sempala.
この 20 年間、NPO の創設者と一緒に活動してきた良き友人や支援者たちがいました。私たちは彼らのことを偲び、永遠の安らかに眠ることを祈ります。
多くの貧しい孤児の子供たちを抱えて、私たちの進歩と戦争で引き裂かれた状況からの復興に向けて、皆様のご寄付とご支援に心より感謝申し上げます。これがなければ、私たちが持っているものすべてを達成し提供することは非常に困難であったでしょう。達成することができた。 NPO法人安房文化遺産フォーラム万歳。祝福されますように!
▶ オンライン署名 ▶ 紙の署名簿PDF

▶ オンライン署名はこちらから。
⇒ 木造校舎の紹介動画やパンフレットはこちらからご覧ください。
How are you? I hope everyone is fine. I send you a brief report of what we have been doing.
I was able to go to Gulu and Mede to attend to the children’s needs during the beginning of this Month of February 2024, and also see grandmother’s health condition, the community, and provide them with basic needs such as food and medicine. Grandmother is moving on well, but she can not stand on her feet because of the injuries she got last year .
Schools have started their first term academic year on the 5th. February 2024.
Many students are now in school after their school fees were paid and also both school and personal requirements were given to them.
This year, we are doing our best to see that we put on a roof on the remaining part of the Ayako Memorial building at Kawumu farm. Tomorrow, I am going to Kawumu to see this being done and I will send more pictures to show the progress on the building after putting on the iron sheets on. There is still a lot of work needed to be done on this building, but step by step we will overcome and get it completed.
I am happy to report that everyone is fine. The children and my family send their love and greetings.
Stuart Sempala.
February 20th, 2024
Dear everyone in Tateyama,
I hope this message finds you well and healthy. Greetings to everyone there. How was Christmas? For me I was able go and be the children of Mede and we celebrated Christmas together. I was happy seeing sweet smiles on their faces. Clothes, and other gifts were exchanged and we ate a good meal with the community. Happy New Year once again.
Sincerely, Dec. 31, 2023
Stuart Sempala
このメッセージがあなたに元気と健康を与えてくれることを願っています。 そちらにいる皆さん、こんにちは。 クリスマスはいかがでしたか? 私は、メデ村の子供たちと一緒にクリスマスを祝いました。 彼らの優しい笑顔を見ることができて嬉しかったです。 衣服やその他の贈り物が交換され、コミュニティと一緒においしい食事を食べました。
Dear everyone in Tateyama,
It is a month now since I returned back home from Japan. I still feel it was a dream come true. I was so blessed getting the chance to meet and see the old friends of my life.
I appreciate and give thanks for all that you arranged for me. The schedule was tight, yet it was important to go through it all. You planned it so well.
I give thanks for the coverage of photographs taken at all visits you arranged for me. It is a history well preserved, our children and grandchildren will live to know about it. I have been sharing this trip experience with CUFI members, our children and my family since my return.
I may not get the opportunity to thank everyone individually, who was involved in my successful visit and stay in Japan during this trip. Therefore I humbly request you to convey my sincere gratitude and appreciation to all for their warm welcome they offered me during the 30 years celebrations of friendship, cultural exchange and support we have received from the people of Japan all this long. May God bless you all.
Sincerely, Oct. 1, 2023
Stuart Sempala
日本から帰国して1ヶ月が経ちました。 夢が叶ったと今でも思っています。 私の人生の古い友人たちに会って会う機会を得られたことはとても幸運でした。
あなたが私のために手配してくれたすべてに感謝します。 スケジュールはタイトでしたが、すべてをやり遂げることが重要でした。 とても上手に計画してくれましたね。
すべての訪問で写真を取材していただき、ありがとうございました。 それはよく保存された歴史であり、私たちの子供や孫たちは生きてそれについて知るでしょう。 帰国以来、私はこの旅行の経験をCUFIメンバー、子供たち、家族と共有してきました。
この旅行中の私の日本訪問と滞在の成功に関わってくれた皆さんに、個別に感謝する機会はなかなかないかもしれません。 したがって、30年にわたる友好、文化交流、日本の国民からの支援の祭典の中で私を温かく迎えてくださった皆様に、心からの感謝と謝意をお伝えいただきたいと思います。 神が皆さんを祝福してくださいますように。
【講演録-2023.9.21】⇒ PDF
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