
 タイトルは『安房の高校生によるウガンダ支援・交流20年のあゆみ AWA MINAMI IN AFRICA FOR EVER』(2014年9月)です。
No.1 表紙/Front cover
No.2 裏表紙/Back cover


【Diary】Memorial booklet was completed!!
 Uganda supportive activities has started since 1994, and it reached 20 years anniversary in this year. We made memorial booklet to reflect on 20 years history of our activities and interaction, and to tell it for a lot of people. This booklet was completed by Mr.Stuart Sempala, CUFI, who collaborated with us in writing it. And also, graduates of Awa-Minami and Awa High School and teachers etc cooperated with us in making booklet.
The title is “Uganda supportive and interactive activities for 20 years by high school students in Awa region -AWA MINAMI IN AFRICA FOR EVER-”
Please refer to upward (photo No.1 to 2)
 Mainly, the booklet is composed of 20 years activities (Awa-Minami, Awa, Awa-Nishi High School) and CUFI’s project.
In booklet, we introduce comments from graduates. They feel “surprise” and “happiness” because they do not think supportive activities have continued 20 years. On the other hand, what do children who received support from high school students think and what do they do now…??We also introduce their voices on the booklet. We think that we can feel deep friendship between Uganda and us.
