Dear NPO Awa Cultural Heritage Forum,
Happy 20th Anniversary!
I want to reach out to you and wish you a very happy work anniversary on completing two decades of good service since the NPO Awa Cultural Heritage Forum was started.
It is a great opportunity for us to commemorate its foundation, and give special salute to Mr. And Mrs Nobuo Aizawa, together with Emiko Ikeda san, plus the entire staff members, who have done all they could to keep the NPO Awa Cultural Heritage Forum moving from grace to grace, reaching out to many souls, not only in Japan, but as far as Africa, Uganda in particular.
Along this period of twenty years, there has been good friends/supporters of the NPO who have gone to be with their creator. We remember them and pray for them to rest in eternal peace.
Thank you very much for your contributions and support towards our advancement, and recovery from a war torn situation, with many needy orphan children to where we are now, without whick it would have been very hard for us to achieve and deliver all that we have been able to accomplish. Long live NPO AWA CULTURAL HERITAGE FORUM. Be blessed!
Stuart Sempala.
この 20 年間、NPO の創設者と一緒に活動してきた良き友人や支援者たちがいました。私たちは彼らのことを偲び、永遠の安らかに眠ることを祈ります。
多くの貧しい孤児の子供たちを抱えて、私たちの進歩と戦争で引き裂かれた状況からの復興に向けて、皆様のご寄付とご支援に心より感謝申し上げます。これがなければ、私たちが持っているものすべてを達成し提供することは非常に困難であったでしょう。達成することができた。 NPO法人安房文化遺産フォーラム万歳。祝福されますように!